Olympische Winterspiele – Activities

I haven’t had time to come up with any of my own activities for the Winter Olympics. But I’ve found some nice worksheets and reading cards on other sites that I thought I’d share.

I really like the materials over on Lehrmittelperlen (you must subscribe to obtain access to their materials – about $20 per year).

Other reading cards about the various sports can be found at Fächerübergreifend leicht gemacht.

KinderSuppe has a variety of materials and activities (search “Olympische Winterspiele”). You have to subscribe to obtain access to most of their materials, however they do offer some things for free:

  • Olympic Rings: Print out the page to color the Olympic rings. They suggest using paint and cotton swabs to color them in! There are two versions: one with a colored dot to indicate the ring colors; one with the color word spelled in the ring.
  • Summer or Winter? This activity has children sorting cards of various sports into summer and winter sport.

What are you doing to learn about the Winter Olympics in German?

Olympic Games: LEGO World Flags

Earlier this month, I wrote a post about making Lego flags during the Olympics. Froggy not only enjoyed making the flags, but he was eager for me to create instructions for all the flags he made!

Once we got the hang of it, the basic striped flags were really easy. The hardest part was finding enough pieces in all the colors. We also managed to create some flags with plus-shapes, like Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland.

The flags are a great opportunity to practice geography and colors. But as I was creating the instructions, I realized you could also turn this into a math game. For the striped flags, we made them 12 across and 2 rows for each stripe. Challenge your little one to see how many ways s/he can make the row of 12 using pieces in different sizes! Froggy already made a change to the Germany flag, making it with just 15 pieces.

Or you can follow our patterns (click to download the PDF files):


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Here are 8 of the 10 flags. Froggy is going to rebuild France & Austria!

Olympic Games: Vocab Cards

I decided to make a set of vocabulary cards to go with the Summer Olympics. I found a cute set of clip-art for making the cards. But they provided me with a somewhat unusual set of words, in my opinion! That is to say, I’m not sure these are the 8 sports I would have selected. But it’s still a nice introduction.

I looked up the official titles of the Olympic sports and thought some were a little long or complicated. So I made the decision to use simpler, more common names, where I could. For example, track & field is known as Leichtathletik, but I used Laufen instead. I realize this word does not begin to cover all the different events in track & field. But since we are still working on very basic vocabulary, I thought this made sense.

Included in the set are cards that have images with words, just images, and just words. You can use these cards to print full-size for vocab posters. Or you can print them 6-to-a-page on heavy cardstock to use for games such as Memory or Go Fish.

I’m also trying something new! I made a set of cards with the images plus jumbled letters. But then some of the words are so long, that the jumble looked way too complicated! So I made one more set with jumbled letter groups. Use these cards for spelling and writing practice. For independent work, children can use the cards with images and words to self-check their work.

Vocabulary words included:

  • das Schwimmen
  • das Bogenschießen
  • das Reiten
  • das Laufen
  • das Gewichtheben
  • das Turnen
  • der Stabhochsprung
  • der Fußball

Download the PDF file here: Olympische Sommerspiele (PDF)

If you’re enjoying this site, I’d love to hear from you! Please let me know how you’re using the materials and if you have any ideas for improvements! Thanks 😉

Olympic Games: National Flags

The Summer Olympics are upon us! I don’t watch a lot of sports, but I always love the Olympics. I suddenly find myself watching sporting events that normally hold little interest for me. There’s just something so exciting about it all! And I love the way it brings countries together.

It’s also a great opportunity for the boys to learn about both sports and the world!

The other day, I was inspired by Froggy. He’s so into Legos these days. And he came up to my office asking for some flag pictures, so that he could make them out of Legos. What a great idea!!

I found these images of national flags on Kindersuppe.de. It’s a great website with all kinds of useful documents and activities in German. (There is a fee to use the site: € 35,88 per year.) Then Froggy and I got busy collecting Lego pieces, especially red ones 🙂 I’m not much of a Lego-builder, myself, but I really go into with him! Of course, some of the flags would be really hard! We stuck mainly to the striped ones. Although Froggy made a great Swedish flag, and I managed to make a decent Swiss flag. Stay tuned for instructions on how to make your own Lego flags!