Ostereier – Easter Eggs

We’re a little late celebrating Easter in the pre-K/kindergarten class. I had planned a lesson for the week before spring break, but alas! It snowed that day, and the kids were sent home early!! So I did the lesson today anyway.

After singing our hello song and checking in on the weather, we practiced counting from 1 to 10. Then we sang “10 kleine Ostereier.” It’s a song I made up based on “10 Little Indians.” It goes like this:

Eins, zwei, drei kleine Eier
Vier, fünf, sechs kleine Eier
Sieben, acht, neun kleine Eier
Zehn kleine Ostereier!

Easy peasy! The kids caught on quickly, especially since they are really good at counting to 10!

Then we read our book: Eins, zwei, drei, fertig ist das Osterei! by Ursel Scheffler (Ravensburger, 2008).


There is a Drehscheibe (a wheel) you can turn to change the pattern on the eggs! We looked at the cover of the book, pointing out Hase (rabbit), Pinsel (paintbrush), and Farben (colors). Then I taught them the magic words from the book:

Pinsel, Farbe, eins zwei drei!

On each page, Hasenfranz paints an egg with a different pattern. So we all said the magic words together as I turned the wheel to see the new egg. They loved it!

I also brought in some Easter eggs. I had made some stickers for them using round, white labels. They each got two! But before I handed them out, we used them to count to 20. First, we counted all of them to get to 20. Then we counted each color (I had 5 purple, 5 green, and 9 blue – yes, I was one short!).

I also gave them a Malen-nach-Zahlen page to color. I updated it from the one I’ve used in the past. Instead of the 6 primary colors, I swapped out two, so I could include rosa and grau. I also made a more difficult version, so the older children could have more of a challenge. I let them choose which one they wanted to color.

You can download the PDFs here:

And here is the work-in-progress and the finished product. Hippo put his stickers on his paper, too. (This is a copy he and I did at home, and you might be able to tell that I helped with some of the coloring. It was fun to do it together!)

Frohe Ostern!

Easter Counting

Okay, I’m a little late on these Easter activities. But maybe you can squeeze them in now. Or mark them for next year!

#1: Wie viele Ostereier kannst du finden?

The first activity is a drawing by Lisa (our first au pair from Germany) in which the child counts the Easter eggs. Click the link to download the PDF file:

Wie viele Ostereier kannst du finden – Lisa

It looks like this:

Wie viele Ostereier kannst du finden - Lisa

#2: Malen nach Zahlen: das Osterei

Then there is a simple color by number I created for the school children. It has more to do with number recognition than counting. Click the link to download the PDF file:

Osterei Malen nach Zahlen

Osterei Malen nach Zahlen image

#3: Number flashcards 6 – 10

I also created some large cards for the numbers 6 through 10. (I have 1-5 to go with a farm unit.) You can print them as full 8.5 x 11 or set your printer to print 2 or 4 to a page and then cut them up. I like to laminate the pages, but you could also print them on card stock. Click the link to download the PDF file:

6-10 Ostern

Frohe Ostern!